Please take a moment and review what needs to be accomplished BEFORE we have our CAST PARTY. Also, parents, please consider HELPING DURING the CAST PARTY. Please bring a DRILL if you own one and can help dismantle large set pieces during the party.
SCRIPTS - if you have not returned your scripts, please do so in the chorus room BEFORE the performance tonight. There is a $25 fee for any lost scripts.
All CAFETORIUM CHAIRS must be returned to racks EXCEPT those set up for CHURCH tomorrow night. We will defer to our custodial staff on how to help them arrange the chairs properly.
ORCHESTRA CHAIRS, STANDS, LIGHTS, etc. broken down and put away.
All SPIKE TAPE must be removed from stage floor.
LIGHTS and SOUND equipment will be struck by our ElectroSound Engineers and student crew.
All SCAFFOLDING must but broken down and stacked neatly outside the building in the back to be returned to Home Depot tomorrow. (Please see or contact Mrs. DeLuca if you can help with this.)
All COSTUMES must be returned or stored as per Mrs. Henker's separate email.
All PROPS or FURNITURE you loaned us must be retrieved TONIGHT. They will be laid out on the stage. Anything left after tonight will either be kept if usable or disposed of.
PROP WEAPONS and FLAG - Ms. Slease will be sorting to return to Sanford School, DAST and others. The guns are labeled accordingly.
COSTUME ROOM and ALL HALLWAYS, BATHROOMS, etc. must be cleaned up.
Once students have finished their clean up, the CAST PARTY will take place in the lobby area outside the school store.
Large set pieces will need to be broken down. If you have a DRILL or other helpful tools, please bring them. Tom Way will be there to lead in this effort. Thank you for your help. We are hoping to get the majority of this accomplished during the party.
We sincerely hope this production has been as wonderful for you as it has been for us. Thank you very much for being a part of this amazing show.
All the best,
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